Name | Description | Review Score | ICO Price | Pre ICO Price | Soft Cap | Hard Cap | Start Date | End Date |
Orica |
The NFT Marketplace For Virtual Exchange
3.00 | 0.15 USD | 1875000USD | ||||
Photochain |
The Stock Photography Revolution
4.45 | 0.12 USD | 165 723 285 PHT | 230 000 000 PHT | 2018/04/05 | 2018/05/08 | |
PlayTrip |
The Digital Storytelling Revolution on Blockchain
3.02 | 0.052835 USD | 0.026417 USD | 10,000,000 USD | 14,000,000 USD | 2018/10/30 | 2018/11/15 |
Pocketсon |
The Leading Decentralized Ecosystem of Digital Creativities
2.75 | 0.1 USD | 3,000,000 USD | 25,000,000 USD | 2018/05/08 | 2018/08/18 | |
PopulStay |
The genuine home sharing community redesigned based on the blockchain technology
3.77 | 0.01 USD | 25,000 ETH | 50,000 ETH | 2018/11/01 | 2018/12/15 | |
Pumped |
The Only Platform That Pays News Readers
3.65 | 48,847 ETH | 2018/02/19 | 2018/05/04 | |||
Qravity |
Continuous Creation
4.12 | 0.034871 USD | 2018/09/01 | 2018/10/07 | |||
Rancoin |
Create, buy,sell and resell digitalised, physical product and services
0.03 USD | 3000000 USD | 4000000 USD | 2021/09/04 | 2021/11/30 | ||
Raptor CyberPunk |
Derived From the Ancient "Raptor Bible"
0.0000005 USD | 1 ETH | 2023/07/04 | 2023/07/07 | |||
Realm |
Create and explore your own personal Microverse
0.03 USD | 400000 USD | 2021/07/26 | 2021/09/14 | |||
RECORD Foundation |
The RECORD Project is attempting to re-create the economics of the music business in favor of the artist.
3.70 | 0.1 USD | 0.08 USD | 60,000,000 RCD | 150,000,000 RCD | 2018/04/30 | 2018/06/30 |
Saisho |
Invest and Profit
3.08 | 1 EUR | 2018/07/23 | 2019/03/23 | |||
Platform for Visual Content Monetization
4.35 | 0.174355 USD | 0.174355 USD | 10000 ETH | 55000 ETH | 2018/05/31 | 2018/06/21 |
SmarterWorx |
When Art Works, Smarter Worx
0.004 USD | 12825000 USD | 2022/12/18 | 2023/05/01 | |||
Songin |
2.62 | 0.002 USD | 0.002 USD | 5,000,000 USD | 2019/05/01 | 2019/06/10 | |
Soundeon |
Blockchain music platform that changes everything
3.65 | 0.056923 USD | 0.056923 USD | 52,700,000 SND | 16,000,000 USD | 2018/08/30 | 2018/10/30 |
Splash Shiba |
Innovative and Creative Tool
20 BNB | 2023/03/16 | 2023/03/19 | ||||
Talentico |
T2T Investment Ecosystem for Connecting Talents
3.73 | 0.01 USD | 20,000,000 USD | 70,000,000 USD | 2019/12/18 | 2019/12/25 | |
Blockchain Social Marketplace
4.30 | 0.06 USD | 0.04 USD | 3,500,000 USD | 15,000,000 USD | 2019/01/10 | 2019/02/10 |
The Man Cave Project |
The Man Cave Project
2.20 | 0.5 BTS | 5,000,000 USD | 2018/08/31 | 2018/10/01 | ||
Tilcoin |
First Blockchain Platform of Modern Art
2.33 | 10,000,000 USD | 30,000,000 USD | 2018/10/08 | 2018/10/29 | ||
Token tramboliko |
Token TBK BEP20 decentralized in experimental development on the BSC network
0.00001 BNB | 250 BNB | 500 BNB | 2021/08/23 | ||| |
The Peer-to-Peer Marketplace of Ubiatar Service
4.00 | 2 USD | 2 USD | 4,500,000 USD | 30,000,000 USD | 2018/05/09 | 2018/06/08 |
UnoCryptoCoin |
Platform to Buy and Sell Shares
2.52 | 0.00003 USD | 0.00003 USD | 1,200,000 | 2,400,000 | 2018/12/25 | 2019/05/25 |
Vip2Fan |
Platform to Purchase
3.17 | 0.07 USD | 500,000 USD | 7,500,000 USD | 2019/02/17 | 2019/09/17 | |
ViValid |
ViValid is first decentralized, trustworthy and community-driven ledger of collectibles and arts.
3.95 | 0.096864 USD | 0.069188 USD | 4,100,000 USD | 28,750,000 USD | 2018/07/18 | 2018/12/31 |
WatchUGot |
Competitive fundraising with blockchain!
3.80 | 0.130766 USD | 3,900 ETH | 36,200 ETH | 2019/02/01 | 2019/03/31 | |
Wemark |
Blockchain-based marketplace for digital content
4.33 | 0.2 USD | 0.2 USD | $1,500,000 | $8,000,000 | 2018/07/16 | 2018/07/27 |
Xbitcore |
Register the Currency All Over the World
1.65 | 2018/10/29 | 2019/03/29 |
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